Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kickin' it in Colorado Springs - Saturday 12 June 11

Sarah&Britt about to bike ride the Sante Fe Trail in Colorado Springs, CO

I woke up early at Yaya's once again.  (to anyone who knows me well, you'll note that this early wake up is obviously due to the time difference, NOT because I'm a morning person...which I'm not!) I decided to take a morning stroll to Starbucks down the road for a little latte.  I had my old woman hips on that morning, so it was more of a hobble than a stroll, but nonetheless nice to get some fresh air and chat with Pete on the phone while doing so.  I returned to the house of Yaya as she and Britt were starting a yummy country-style breakfast of poached eggs on toast with a side of bacon.  We enjoyed that home cooked meal, then got packed up and Britt and I hit the road to head to her home in Colorado Springs. We made great time, so my plan to call the airlines and change my ticket (b/c Britt & I both already wanted me to stay longer :) ) didn't add up since we talked the whole 45minutes out there. 


High on life

Well, I gotta say, young Ms. Britt's house is GORGEOUS!!! :)  She's such a big kid with her own big, lovely house decorated so nicely and so well maintained ;)  Plus, Britt is such a sweetheart - she'd put out an awesome goody bag to welcome me there filled with toiletries, treats, and a super cute card.  We dropped our stuff off then promptly headed on base at the US Air Force Academy to rent a couple of mountain bikes and tool around on the Sante Fe Trail for awhile.  Riding north on the trail was great....turning around to pedal back into a head wind the whole way was not nearly as much fun.  But I'm easy to please when it comes to all things outdoors, so the fact that I got a couple hours of fresh air made me plenty happy :)  ...that and the fact that we went directly to Starbucks after our bike ride made me even happier :) 

After our coffee break it was home to shower and go back out, this time for a feast at Ted's Montana Grill where we gorged ourselves on pickled cucumbers, steaks, veggies, and red wine....oh, and of course, more talking.  Afterwards we did a tiny bit of shopping in the stores nearby (because doesn't every girl need ANOTHER really good pair of shoes??  they were on sale!!!), then drove out to one of Britt's old haunts from her Academy days, O'Malley's.  This was a quintessential country bar in an incredibly lovely setting with mini mountains and a lake (forget the name of it) nearby as the background.  We sat out on the porch of the bar, drank a beer, and continued our conversation about family, friends, and life.  Even though we were both tired, we decided we needed a night out.  So we went back to her place to quickly change clothes (so quickly that her room looked like a disaster zone by the time we'd made up our minds), then head out in downtown Colorado Springs.  What a cute little city!  After vascillating where to park, we cut a sweet illegal U'y, parked, and semi-argued whether or not we needed to put money in the meeter until a couple guys walking buy dropped some coins in and walked away.  hahahah.  So, onto the "clubs" we went.  We decided on a place called the Mansion, and unknowingly waited in the VIP line...which didn't matter in the end because we just walked in and no one even said anything!  (I followed your lead, Britt! :)  )  Anyway, we mostly danced with ourselves the whole night!  But no matter, we had fun people watching, laughing, and silly dancing so much so that we got a second work out out of it. 

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