Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Al Qa'im Chronicles - The last couple of days

12Nov 2005, 22:30 Saturday
Really, nothing eventful happened today yet again.  I woke up more tired than ever, but made it through the day ok.  Email and work till noonish, walk to lunch, work more till 3ish, napped, ran, back to work – pretty regular day in AQ.  I didn’t feel too down or anything, and after work watched a little bit of “Napoleon Dynamite” with the guys.  Oh! I got all excited this afternoon talking about getting a motorcycle.  I could get an awesome, used one for $4-5,000.  One of the main deterrents is whether or not I want to spend my money that way.  I want to get a new (and nice) mountain bike, probably some gear for that, an actual triathlon racing bike, more gear for that, and so on.  All that could easily add up to $5k.  Anyway, I’ve still got plenty of time to think about all of that, research, and talk about it.

Maybe I don’t really miss Mike. Maybe I’m just "frustrated" and lonely for a man.  Well, I definitely long for moments… J  Well, whatever, because there’ll be none of that for FOUR MORE MONTHS!!  Holy cow!  I hope I can make it! ;-p
Oh, I had a decent little run-lunge-walk run today after my nap. 
13 Nov 2005, 21:30 SundayWell, I had a pretty lax day today.  Moseyed over to work around 6:30, did some emailing while on the headset, went to lunch with Dave, came back to work for a bit, and then came back to my room for (what was supposed to be a quick) nap.  I woke Jen up, though, and we ended up having a really good chat for about an hour.  It was fun because it felt like good old girl chat, like a slumber party or something because we were both in our beds, learning on our pillows chatting.  Man, I miss girlfriends! L  She kind of reminds me of Lori Kruslich.  Anyway, she’s super cool.  Then I napped for almost 2 hours (yet I’m still tired) and went back to work and basically hung out the rest of the night.
LCpl Koopman and I are headed back to TQ tomorrow.  It will be a bummer to leave, but I am really looking forward to getting all my mail! J

The last couple of weeks were good and went by pretty fast.  It’s too bad because dual ops starts up again tomorrow in Ubaydi so there’s be more action.
Really missing family, Teddy, Becci, Tori, Theresa, Margie, Matt, Scott, and Chris.

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